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Segmentation fault using font '7x13bold'

From: Chris Moore
Subject: Segmentation fault using font '7x13bold'
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 22:11:17 +0200

I just updated my Emacs source tree from CVS and rebuilt.  I visited
the Changelog file and paged down 4 times and Emacs crashed.

Running "emacs -Q" and doing the same doesn't crash, so I chopped my
.emacs down until I found a single line which results in the crash.

If I have this single line in my .emacs:

 (set-frame-font "7x13bold")

and then run "emacs ~/programs/emacs/ChangeLog" and then hit page-down
4 time, I get a crash.  The mail I started to compose in Emacs told me
to run gdb commands `bt full' and `xbacktrace', but according to gdb,
'xbacktrace' is an undefined command.

'bt full' gives this output:

#0  choose_face_font (f=0x8630530, attrs=0x8706da0, fontset=<value
optimized out>, c=3840, needs_overstrike=0xbfaf41d8) at xfaces.c:6684
        pattern = <value optimized out>
        font_name = <value optimized out>
        fonts = (struct font_name *) 0x8b8bb50
        nfonts = 1
        width_ratio = 1
#1  0x080bdbf4 in realize_face (cache=0x8633bc8, attrs=0x8a30ed0,
c=3840, base_face=0x7, former_face_id=-1) at xfaces.c:1257
        face = (struct face *) 0x8706d58
#2  0x080bebb5 in lookup_face (f=0x8630530, attr=0x8a30ed0, c=3840,
base_face=0x7) at xfaces.c:5687
        cache = (struct face_cache *) 0x8633bc8
        hash = 17206445
        face = (struct face *) 0x0
#3  0x080db3df in face_for_char (f=0x7, face=0x8a30e88, c=3840) at fontset.c:548
        fontset = 145090196
        elt = <value optimized out>
        face_id = <value optimized out>
#4  0x08069a2a in get_next_display_element (it=0xbfaf45e4) at xdisp.c:5646
        face = (struct face *) 0x8a30e88
        success_p = 1
#5  0x08071400 in display_line (it=0xbfaf45e4) at xdisp.c:15708
        i = 135853687
        nglyphs = 1
        ascent = 11
        phys_ascent = 9
        n_glyphs_before = 12
        hpos_before = 12
        x = 84
        descent = 2
        phys_descent = 0
        row = (struct glyph_row *) 0x8694ca4
        overlay_arrow_string = <value optimized out>
#6  0x080729a9 in try_window (window=140718108, pos={charpos = 4753,
bytepos = 4755}, check_margins=1) at xdisp.c:13331
        w = (struct window *) 0x8633018
        it = {window = 140718108, w = 0x8633018, f = 0x8630530, method =
GET_FROM_BUFFER, stop_charpos = 5490, end_charpos = 193468,
 s = 0x0, string_nchars = 0, region_beg_charpos = -1,
region_end_charpos = -1, redisplay_end_trigger_charpos = 0,
multibyte_p = 1,
 header_line_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, ellipsis_p = 0,
dp = 0x0, dpvec = 0x0, dpend = 0x0, dpvec_char_len = 0,
 dpvec_face_id = 0, saved_face_id = 18, ctl_chars = {0 <repeats 16
times>}, start = {pos = {charpos = 5465, bytepos = 5467},
   overlay_string_index = -1, string_pos = {charpos = -1, bytepos =
-1}, dpvec_index = -1}, current = {pos = {charpos = 5478,
     bytepos = 5480}, overlay_string_index = -1, string_pos =
{charpos = -1, bytepos = -1}, dpvec_index = -1}, overlay_strings = {
   0 <repeats 16 times>}, n_overlay_strings = 0, string = 137513161,
stack = {{stop_charpos = 0, face_id = 0, string = 0, pos = {pos = {
         charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0,
string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0},
     end_charpos = 0, string_nchars = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,
multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0,
     display_ellipsis_p = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height
= 0}, space_width = 0, voffset = 0, font_height = 0}, {
     stop_charpos = 0, face_id = 0, string = 0, pos = {pos = {charpos
= 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {
         charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, end_charpos =
0, string_nchars = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, multibyte_p = 0,
     string_from_display_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, slice =
{x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, space_width = 0,
     voffset = 0, font_height = 0}}, sp = 0,
selective_display_ellipsis_p = 1, ctl_arrow_p = 1, selective = 0, what
 face_id = 19, face_box_p = 0, start_of_box_run_p = 0,
end_of_box_run_p = 0, overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p = 0,
 ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = 0, glyph_not_available_p = 0,
starts_in_middle_of_char_p = 0, face_before_selective_p = 0,
 constrain_row_ascent_descent_p = 0, base_face_id = 0, c = 3945, len
= 2, cmp_id = 0, cmp_len = 0, char_to_display = 74, image_id = 0,
 slice = {x = 137513161, y = 137513161, width = 137513161, height =
137513161}, space_width = 137513161, voffset = 0,
 font_height = 137513161, object = 145230620, position = {charpos =
5478, bytepos = 5480}, truncate_lines_p = 0, tab_width = 8,
 truncation_pixel_width = 0, continuation_pixel_width = 0,
first_visible_x = 0, last_visible_x = 560, last_visible_y = 494,
 extra_line_spacing = 0, max_extra_line_spacing = 0, override_ascent
= -1, override_descent = 0, override_boff = 0,
 glyph_row = 0x8694ca4, area = TEXT_AREA, nglyphs = 1, pixel_width =
7, ascent = 11, descent = 2, max_ascent = 11, max_descent = 2,
 phys_ascent = 9, phys_descent = 0, max_phys_ascent = 9,
max_phys_descent = 0, current_x = 91, continuation_lines_width = 0,
 current_y = 299, first_vpos = 0, vpos = 23, hpos = 13,
left_user_fringe_bitmap = 0, right_user_fringe_bitmap = 0,
 left_user_fringe_face_id = 0, right_user_fringe_face_id = 0}
        last_text_row = (struct glyph_row *) 0x8694c10
#7  0x08079168 in redisplay_window (window=140718108,
just_this_one_p=1) at xdisp.c:12787
        new_vpos = <value optimized out>
        val = <value optimized out>
        w = (struct window *) 0x8633018
        f = (struct frame *) 0x8630530
        buffer = <value optimized out>
        old = (struct buffer *) 0x8a80b18
        startp = {charpos = 4753, bytepos = 4755}
        update_mode_line = 1
        tem = <value optimized out>
        it = {window = 141255696, w = 0x0, f = 0x0, method = 140718416,
stop_charpos = 0, end_charpos = 0,
 s = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>, string_nchars = 13,
region_beg_charpos = -1079030620, region_end_charpos = 140718416,
 redisplay_end_trigger_charpos = -1079029976, multibyte_p = 1,
header_line_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, ellipsis_p = 1,
 dp = 0xbfaf4ca4, dpvec = 0x8633150, dpend = 0x1, dpvec_char_len = 1,
dpvec_face_id = 0, saved_face_id = 0, ctl_chars = {1, 1, 4,
   140718420, 140718416, 140707120, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0},
start = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0},
   overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos =
-1}, dpvec_index = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0},
   overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0},
dpvec_index = 0}, overlay_strings = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1}, n_overlay_strings = 1, string = -1,
stack = {{stop_charpos = -1, face_id = -1, string = -1, pos = {pos = {
         charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0,
string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0},
     end_charpos = 0, string_nchars = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,
multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0,
     display_ellipsis_p = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height
= 0}, space_width = 0, voffset = 0, font_height = 0}, {
     stop_charpos = 137513161, face_id = 0, string = 0, pos = {pos =
{charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0,
       string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0},
end_charpos = 0, string_nchars = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA,
     multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0,
display_ellipsis_p = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0},
     space_width = 0, voffset = 0, font_height = 0}}, sp = 0,
selective_display_ellipsis_p = 0, ctl_arrow_p = 0, selective = 0,
 what = IT_CHARACTER, face_id = 0, face_box_p = 0, start_of_box_run_p
= 0, end_of_box_run_p = 0,
 overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p = 0,
ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = 0, glyph_not_available_p = 0,
 starts_in_middle_of_char_p = 0, face_before_selective_p = 0,
constrain_row_ascent_descent_p = 0, base_face_id = 0, c = 0, len = 0,
 cmp_id = 0, cmp_len = 0, char_to_display = 0, image_id = 0, slice =
{x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, space_width = 0,
 voffset = 0, font_height = 0, object = 0, position = {charpos = 0,
bytepos = 3}, truncate_lines_p = 0, tab_width = 0,
 truncation_pixel_width = 4, continuation_pixel_width = 0,
first_visible_x = 0, last_visible_x = 8, last_visible_y = 137738424,
 extra_line_spacing = 0, max_extra_line_spacing = 137638881,
override_ascent = -1079030120, override_descent = 135536188,
 override_boff = 137638881, glyph_row = 0x8342b62, area = 137513209,
nglyphs = 0, pixel_width = 137513161, ascent = 137513161,
 descent = 137513161, max_ascent = 137672121, max_descent =
140701984, phys_ascent = 140218884, phys_descent = -1079030088,
 max_phys_ascent = 135536621, max_phys_descent = 524288, current_x =
0, continuation_lines_width = 0, current_y = 560, first_vpos = 13,
 vpos = 137672121, hpos = -1079030056, left_user_fringe_bitmap =
8234, right_user_fringe_bitmap = 2068,
 left_user_fringe_face_id = 1357241, right_user_fringe_face_id = 0}
        current_matrix_up_to_date_p = 0
        used_current_matrix_p = <value optimized out>
        buffer_unchanged_p = 0
        temp_scroll_step = <value optimized out>
        rc = <value optimized out>
        centering_position = <value optimized out>
        last_line_misfit = <value optimized out>
#8  0x0807b836 in redisplay_window_1 (window=140718108) at xdisp.c:11595
No locals.
#9  0x0815131f in internal_condition_case_1 (bfun=0x807b810
<redisplay_window_1>, arg=140718108, handlers=137499925,
   hfun=0x8070684 <redisplay_window_error>) at eval.c:1522
        val = <value optimized out>
        c = {tag = 137513161, val = 137513161, next = 0xbfaf574c, gcpro =
0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {3839, 140718104, 140707120,
       -1079029800, -1079030032, 135598810}, __mask_was_saved = 0,
__saved_mask = {__val = {3215937384, 135537051, 137574409,
         137556946, 3200000, 145230616, 1, 145230616, 3200000,
137574409, 137513185, 2, 3215937432, 137574409, 3200000, 137574408,
         3215937432, 135600745, 137574409, 3200000, 0, 1, 134687568,
1, 137513161, 140718416, 137513161, 0, 3215937496, 134731280, 64,
         137513161}}}}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0xbfaf5814,
lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 4, poll_suppress_count = 1,
 interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0}
        h = {handler = 137499925, var = 137513161, chosen_clause = 0, tag =
0xbfaf4efc, next = 0xbfaf5814}
#10 0x0807cf69 in redisplay_internal (preserve_echo_area=<value
optimized out>) at xdisp.c:11194
        mini_window = <value optimized out>
        mini_frame = <value optimized out>
        w = (struct window *) 0x8633018
        f = <value optimized out>
        pause = 1
        must_finish = 1
        tlbufpos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}
        number_of_visible_frames = 1
        polling_stopped_here = 0
        consider_all_windows_p = 0
#11 0x080f9fba in read_char (commandflag=1, nmaps=2, maps=0xbfaf5570,
prev_event=137513161, used_mouse_menu=0xbfaf5618)
   at keyboard.c:2549
        was_locked = 137513161
        c = 137513161
        count = <value optimized out>
        local_getcjmp = {{__jmpbuf = {38024, -1079028640, 145230620,
-1079028664, 135856769, 139089101}, __mask_was_saved = 137557345,
   __saved_mask = {__val = {1, 38024, 3215938656, 38024, 3215938872,
135561459, 139089101, 137557345, 145230620, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
       3215938688, 3077228016, 3215938688, 3077228181, 8192, 0, 0, 0,
0, 5249, 193467, 145230620, 1, 4752, 3215938744, 135853077, 4751,
        save_jump = {{__jmpbuf = {8192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5249}, __mask_was_saved =
193467, __saved_mask = {__val = {145230620, 1, 4753,
       3215938488, 135853077, 4752, 137852732, 3215938520, 135853687,
139089096, 5249, 193467, 145230620, 1, 4752, 3215938536,
       135853077, 4751, 137852732, 3215938568, 135853687, 139089096,
137513161, 3215938600, 135856584, 137557345, 141269605,
       3215938600, 135867035, 1, 137557345, 139089101}}}}
        key_already_recorded = 0
        tem = <value optimized out>
        save = <value optimized out>
        previous_echo_area_message = 137513161
        also_record = 137513161
        reread = 0
        polling_stopped_here = <value optimized out>
#12 0x080fc3d6 in read_key_sequence (keybuf=0xbfaf56b4, bufsize=30,
prompt=137513161, dont_downcase_last=0, can_return_switch_frame=1,
   fix_current_buffer=1) at keyboard.c:8864
        interrupted_kboard = (KBOARD *) 0x8617c40
        key = 145051292
        used_mouse_menu = 0
        echo_local_start = 0
        last_real_key_start = 0
        keys_local_start = 0
        local_first_binding = 0
        from_string = 137513161
        count = 2
        t = 0
        echo_start = 0
        keys_start = 0
        nmaps = 2
        nmaps_allocated = 2
        defs = (Lisp_Object * volatile) 0xbfaf5550
        submaps = (Lisp_Object * volatile) 0xbfaf5570
        orig_local_map = 141274909
        orig_keymap = 137513161
        localized_local_map = 0
        first_binding = 0
        first_unbound = 31
        mock_input = 0
        fkey = {map = 137501029, parent = 137501029, start = 0, end = 0}
        keytran = {map = 138340653, parent = 138340653, start = 0, end = 0}
        delayed_switch_frame = 137513161
        original_uppercase = 137513161
        original_uppercase_position = -1
        starting_buffer = (struct buffer *) 0x8a80b18
        fake_prefixed_keys = 137513161
#13 0x080fdf2d in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1536
        cmd = <value optimized out>
        lose = <value optimized out>
        nonundocount = 0
        keybuf = {137773193, -1216400816, -1216400832, 134538071,
-1079028000, -1208029088, 134538071, -1216400820, 134539768,
 -1216400744, -1217865060, -1079027916, -1208048138, -1217840501,
134539758, 1, 0, 32, 0, 0, -1079027944, -1079028112, 0, -1217921024,
 137513161, 139689089, 0, 1, 1, -1079027912}
        i = 1
        prev_modiff = 213
        prev_buffer = (struct buffer *) 0x8a80b18
        was_locked = 0
        already_adjusted = 0
#14 0x0815153c in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x80fdd99
<command_loop_1>, handlers=137557801, hfun=0x80f64bb <cmd_error>)
   at eval.c:1474
        val = <value optimized out>
        c = {tag = 137513161, val = 137513161, next = 0xbfaf5860, gcpro =
0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 1, 1, -1079027672, -1079027904,
       135599357}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110932256, 3215939616, 3086884864, 134539462, 0,
         0, 0, 0, 3077102236, 3078566552, 0 <repeats 11 times>,
3086919441, 3086976888, 3086884864, 134527432}}}}, backlist = 0x0,
 handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2,
poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack =
        h = {handler = 137557801, var = 137513161, chosen_clause = 134539462,
tag = 0xbfaf574c, next = 0x0}
#15 0x080f0c08 in command_loop_2 () at keyboard.c:1328
        val = <value optimized out>
#16 0x08151240 in internal_catch (tag=7, func=0x80f0be5
<command_loop_2>, arg=137513161) at eval.c:1212
        c = {tag = 137554033, val = 137513161, next = 0x0, gcpro = 0x0, jmp =
{{__jmpbuf = {0, 1, 1, -1079027416, -1079027632,
       135598643}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val =
{135518593, 139928880, 0, 0, 139928864, 13, 13, 3215939432, 135518593,
         139928864, 13, 13, 137699370, 137699368, 137695416,
3215939848, 135537051, 137695417, 137699370, 137513161, 137545016, 1,
         137545016, 137513161, 137695417, 137513185, 2, 3215939864,
137695416, 137695417, 137513161, 3215939912}}}}, backlist = 0x0,
 handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2,
poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack =
#17 0x080f0a11 in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1307
No locals.
#18 0x080f0aaf in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:1000
        val = <value optimized out>
#19 0x080f0ba9 in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:1061
        buffer = <value optimized out>
#20 0x080efbad in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfaf5da4) at emacs.c:1789
        tz = 0x0
        dummy = -1079026408
        stack_bottom_variable = 8 '\b'
        do_initial_setlocale = 1
        skip_args = 0
        rlim = {rlim_cur = 8388608, rlim_max = 18446744073709551615}
        no_loadup = 0
        junk = 0x0


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