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ACL / Listener -> Hang (Carbon port)

From: David Reitter
Subject: ACL / Listener -> Hang (Carbon port)
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 17:46:39 +0100

Emacs hangs (no C-g possible) when "create new listener" from the Allegro Common Lisp package is selected - I can't verify / investigate further as I don't have Allegro Common Lisp. The package seems non-standard, but I don't see how an elisp package can legally bring Emacs to a halt (with C-g not working).

The version he is using is a patched GNU Emacs CVS derviate (CVS as of 2006-04-10), Carbon port, running on an Intel Mac with OS X. I don't believe any of the extensions to GNU Emacs present in his build can account for the hang this user is seeing.

Please talk to Maria directly to investigate.

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Maria dos Remedios Cravo" <address@hidden>
Date: 19 June 2006 09:46:33 BDT
To: address@hidden
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: [Aquamacs-bugs] Bug report

Enter your bug report here.
When the "Create new listener" option in "ACL" menu is used, Aquamacs
does not respond anymore, and has to be forced to quit.

In GNU Emacs (i386-apple-darwin8.6.1)
 of 2006-04-10 on plume.sr.unh.edu - Aquamacs Distribution 0.9.9c
X server distributor `Apple Computers', version 10.4.6
configured using `configure '--without-x' '--prefix=/usr/local''

Important settings:
  value of $LC_ALL: nil
  value of $LC_COLLATE: nil
  value of $LC_CTYPE: nil
  value of $LC_MESSAGES: nil
  value of $LC_MONETARY: nil
  value of $LC_NUMERIC: nil
  value of $LC_TIME: nil
  value of $LANG: nil
  locale-coding-system: iso-8859-1
  default-enable-multibyte-characters: t

Major mode: Inferior Common Lisp

Minor modes in effect:
  display-time-mode: t
  smart-frame-positioning-mode: t
  aquamacs-styles-mode: t
  recentf-mode: t
  encoded-kbd-mode: t
  osx-key-mode: t
  mac-inline-input-method-mode: t
  show-paren-mode: t
  delete-selection-mode: t
  pc-selection-mode: t
  cua-mode: t
  tooltip-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t
  tool-bar-mode: 0
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  menu-bar-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  blink-cursor-mode: t
  unify-8859-on-encoding-mode: t
  utf-translate-cjk-mode: t
  column-number-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

Recent input:
<menu-bar> <help-menu> <describe-distribution> <wheel-down>
<double-wheel-down> <wheel-down> <double-wheel-down>
<triple-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down>
<wheel-down> <double-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down>
<triple-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down>
<triple-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down> <triple-wheel-down>
<triple-wheel-down> <switch-frame> <mac-apple-event>
<switch-frame> <switch-frame> <switch-frame> <menu-bar>
<help-menu> <report-emacs-bug>

Recent messages:
Software Foundation, Inc., & D. Reitter. No Warranty. You may redistribute
Aquamacs under the GNU General Public License. Type C-h C-c to view.
Trying to start connection...done.
View mode: type C-h for help, h for commands, q to quit.
Loading subst-ksc...done
Loading subst-gb2312...done
Loading subst-big5...done
Loading subst-jis...done
Note: file is write protected
Loading emacsbug...done

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Maria dos Remedios Cravo" <address@hidden>
Date: 24 June 2006 11:19:37 BDT
To: "David Reitter" <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: ACL / Listener -> Hang


I'm not using slime or any other interaction package. I'm using
Allegro Common Lisp, from Franz Lisp, and the .emacs file is as
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/acl80_express/eli")

(setq fi:auto-fill t)

(autoload 'fi:common-lisp "fi-site-init" "Emacs/Lisp interface to Allegro CL" t)
(autoload 'fi:common-lisp-mode "fi-site-init" "Emacs/Lisp interface to
Allegro CL" t)

(add-hook 'fi:lisp-mode-hook
         ;; define some useful bindings for Lisp evaluation
         '(lambda ()
           (let ((map (current-local-map)))
             (define-key map [linefeed]
               '(lambda ()
(define-key map [S-linefeed] 'fi:lisp-eval-or-compile- region)
             (define-key map [C-linefeed]
           (put 'if 'fi:lisp-indent-hook 1)))

(autoload 'turn-on-acldoc-mode "acldoc" nil t)

;;(add-hook 'fi:lisp-mode-hook
         ;; define some useful bindings for Lisp evaluation
;;          '(lambda ()
;;            (turn-on-acldoc-mode)))

(add-hook 'fi:common-lisp-mode-hook
         ;; define some useful bindings for Common Lisp editing
         '(lambda ()
           (setq imenu-create-index-function

(defun nacl ()
 (setq-default fi:common-lisp-image-name "~/acl80_express/alisp")
 (setq-default fi:common-lisp-image-file "~/acl80_express/alisp.dxl")

'(TeX-print-command "dvips %s"))

(setq rmail-preserve-inbox t)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;

This makes emacs enter the lisp mode, and makes the ACL menu appear,
when M-x nacl is entered. I tried entering emacs and, before  loading
lisp, I selected "Options / Enter Debugger on
Quit". Then I entered Lisp, and selected Created New Listener, and
then, when Aquamacs was not responding, I pressed C-g, but nothing
happened. I still had to force quit from the OS.

Thank you for your help,

On 23/06/06, David Reitter <address@hidden> wrote:

> When the "Create new listener" option in "ACL" menu is used, Aquamacs
> does not respond anymore, and has to be forced to quit.

Is this with SLIME or some other package?
How do you get an ACL menu? (I don't do much LISP - I assume ACL
stands for Allegro Common Lisp?)

Can you, before doing this, select "Options / Enter Debugger on
Quit", and then, when Aquamacs is not responding, press C-g?
This should bring up a stack trace.

- David

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