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Info: fresher stuff hidden

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: Info: fresher stuff hidden
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 19:11:05 +0800

Consider if
2 matches for "Emacs:" in buffer: *info*
    189:* Emacs: (emacs-21/emacs).       The extensible self-documenting text
    240:* Emacs: (emacs-snapshot/emacs). The extensible self-documenting text

And the user hits "m Emacs TAB TAB TAB".
Well, all he will discover is
  Possible completions are:
  Emacs                            Emacs FAQ
  Emacs Lisp Intro                 Emacs MIME
  Emacs-Goodies-el                 Emacs-lisp-intro

The very vital information that there is more than one "Emacs" match
he will never know, unless he double checks with, e.g., M-x occur.

So he just ends up reading the first tree, never knowing there is a
second newer tree.

What we are seeing here is like when the grocer puts the fresher stuff
at the back of the shelf out of sight.

So TAB should cough up all the facts. Don't worry, it shouldn't fill
up the screen much more.

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