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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Invalid address: nil

From: vrtprj.com
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Invalid address: nil
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 22:07:21 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Sacha" == Sacha Chua <address@hidden> writes:

    Sacha> Hmm. Are you doing "A n" from the summary or message? It looks like
    Sacha> you're doing it from the message. Could you please try planner/125?
    Sacha> If this still fails, I'd like you to evaluate the following from
    Sacha> the offending message buffer

    Sacha>    (planner-gnus-get-address "To") (This should be non-nil)
    Sacha> (get-buffer gnus-article-buffer) (get-buffer
    Sacha> gnus-original-article-buffer)

Sorry, I should have explained that better. I tried both, from the message
and the summary buffer. Same result.

Evaluating (planner-gnus-get-address "To") helped, with rev 126:

- - it worked with "real" mail messages, there "A n" worked too; 

- - with messages from usenet newsgroups or imported rss feeds (via nntprss) it
  failed, there "A n" didn't work. Of course there is no "To" address,
  only a sender (From) in these kinds of messages. 

With previous Planner version "A n" worked with all these messages.

    Sacha> In 125, I made it use gnus-article-buffer again. You might not have
    Sacha> had a gnus-original-article-buffer if you weren't doing any
    Sacha> processing on mail messages.

    >> Another problem with the new versions: Some Gnus links have the form
    >> gnus://.....<address@hidden>, where the last part @[NNN...]  is
    >> an IP address. These Planner never liked (no markup, not properly
    >> converted to HTML), but at least ignored them.

    Sacha> These should've gotten escaped properly. emacs-wiki does that
    Sacha> escaping in (emacs-wiki-make-link ...), which calls
    Sacha> (emacs-wiki-link-escape ...) on both the link and the name. I tried
    Sacha> it out here. this is the message ID of my test message:
    Sacha> <address@hidden>

    Sacha> and this is the resulting task:

    Sacha> #B0 _ Verify bug
    Sacha> ([[gnus://mail.misc/<address@hidden>][E-Mail
    Sacha> from notify]])

    Sacha> To verify this behavior, you can check the value of
    Sacha> (planner-gnus-annotation). Does it show you something with the %5B
    Sacha> escape character in it?

Your example worked here, but this one doesn't:

#C9  X OntoMorph? Ansehen {{Tasks:36}} 
([[gnus://nnfolder+spool:listen/<address@hidden>][E-Mail from Natasha Noy]])

Here only the part up to :listen/ is marked up, the rest not. Evaluating
(planner-gnus-annotation) produced nil. (I simply visited the page and
evaluated it in the minibuffer, ok?)

Thanks for the help,
- -- 
Rainer Volz
Virtuelle Projekte -- www.vrtprj.de
Virtual Projects   -- www.vrtprj.com
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Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


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