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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Nifty hack: planner-use-day-pages

From: Brad Collins
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Nifty hack: planner-use-day-pages
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 00:34:36 +0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

> How do you organize your work? I'd love to hear about it. The more
> planning suggestions we can add to the wiki / info file, the
> better. <grin> Your suggestions might not only give other people cool
> ideas, but also help make planner more flexible.

I am trying to integrate planner into an open distributed
development project.

My project is something like this.  We're building a sort of library
catalog which includes millions of records for people, places and
other things.  Each record is a mini-project in itself which requires
checking over 15 different sources for each record.  If the search
turns up something, you need to collect what you find in a note, or
make a link to what you find.

The whole thing is now in CVS but I am working to move over to ARCH.
The project is distributed so there could be any number of people
working on a record at any one time.

Since there is a clear list of tasks that need to be done for each
record, I create a plan page for each record which acts as a
checklist and a place to hold research notes and links to material that
is collected.  When the research is complete, the cataloger can then
pull up the completed plan page and pull out all the data and
references to create the record.  Then the plan page can be used to
move through the process of proofing and approval.

Plan pages can easily be edited as plain text outside of emacs, so it
is easy for anyone to work with the format even if they don't use
planner.  This also makes it easy to create other tools outside of
emacs to work with with plans.

For now, each plan is in the directory for the record, so planner can
pull it up, but the plan is not integrated into my personal day plan.

This works, as far as it goes, but since this is a distributed
environment, it would be nice to automatically add a tag to a task
when it's completed like:

  #A15  X  Century Dictionary [[X:address@hidden

This would make it clear what action was taken, who made it and when
it was made.

After that, it would be nice to be able assign tasks from a plan page
under version control to your personal day plan....

Any ideas about how to use plan pages in a distributed open source
development project?

Brad Collins
Chenla Labs
Bangkok, Thailand

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