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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Blogging, remembering, planning (was Re: changi

From: Raymond Zeitler
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Blogging, remembering, planning (was Re: changing planner-directory on the fly (TC)
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 13:34:50 -0400

TC wrote:
> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 18:51:28 +0100
> From: TC <address@hidden>
> Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Blogging, remembering, planning (was Re:
>       changing planner-directory on the fly
> To: address@hidden
> Message-ID: <address@hidden>
> [snip]
> 3. I'd like categories, certainly for the remember/blog items -
> to allow selective viewing.  In fact, maybe the task-related entries
> simply be a category; apart from that, task-related entries would be
> another remembered/blogged item.
> [snip]
> 4. And I want to have some access control.  I manage engineers, so as 
> well as having widely shareable technical ramblings and rantings, I
> also have HR-related stuff that should be seen only be certain

Yes, segregation of content, selective viewing, access control....
these are things I would love to exploit.  From my POV, my journal
would encompass:

- work, which my coworkers would read on the LAN.

- professional affiliations, such as IEEE meeting planning, Section
  administration and newsletter publication, which might be shared
  with fellow officers or with the entire membership.

- continuing education.

- home improvement projects and tasks, to track maintenance and even
  garden work.  Car maintenance, too.

- personal wellness, strictly private, at least until after my death.

- dark secrets, strictly private, even after my death.

- family fun, which would include scrapbooking-like content, to share
  with my daughter in twenty years or so.  (Will Emacs still be around
  then?  That's one reason -- of many -- I didn't choose MS Word.)

- future needs, such as genealogy, a time capsule, or hobbies.

I look at some of your blogs and wonder whether there's more to the
author than just what's published.  If so, how do you keep track of
it?  For example, our esteemed Maintainer's web-site is nice,
but does Sacha not want to write about private matters?  If so how
does she do that?

So that's why I created select-planner-directory, which I fully
expected someone else already wrote.  Another goal for it, BTW, is to
have it open a buffer that would display a list of all available
categories, so that the user could point and click to it.  Maybe that
could be added to planner-browser....

Well, I need to stop now and get back to work!

Raymond Zeitler <address@hidden>

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