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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Arch tutorial part 3: Cooperation and Arch

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Arch tutorial part 3: Cooperation and Arch
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 23:41:06 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Dryice Liu <address@hidden> writes:

> Some more questions:
> 1. When I do a merge, can I append the whole change log of the
>    changeset I'm merging in to my change log? Currently only the patch
>    number are recorded like this:
> ,----
> |     new patches:
> |      address@hidden/planner--dev--1.0--patch-313
> |      address@hidden/planner--dev--1.0--patch-314
> `----

You can, but it's usually not done.  I think that "tla log-for-merge"
should take the summary line from each merged patch, but I could be
wrong about that.  Usually you just want the summary line for each
patch to be included.

Reason: Once you merge patches, the logs for the previous version are
copied to the {arch} subdirectory, so they're still accessible and
take up space.  Hence, it's best not to completely duplicate them.

> 2. If the maintainer didn't take some of my patches and later I
>    deceded I don't want them either, can I mark the patches "unwanted"
>    or "invisiable"? Currently when I do a "tla --missing" I always see
>    my unwanted patch.

If you haven't un-applied your unwanted patch, you can do so with "tla
replay --reverse address@hidden/myproj--me--1.0--patch-NN".

There is a hackish way to keep a patch out of the "tla missing" list.
This is what I use sometimes.  If there are any Arch gurus on the
list, they'd probably flame me for suggesting this, but here goes.

Find the subdirectory under {arch} in your source tree and navigate
until you can see where the individual patch logs are stored.  Then do
"touch {arch}/location/of/patch-log/patch-NN".  Creating the log (even
a blank one) for a version makes Arch think that you have already
applied the corresponding patch.

If you'd rather not do that, "tla sync-tree" looks as though it can
perform the same job.

Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 -- http://www.mwolson.org/
Jabber: mwolson_at_hcoop.net -- IRC: mwolson on freenode.net: #muse, #pulug
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