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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Planner subdirectory auto-tab-complete

From: Peter K . Lee
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Planner subdirectory auto-tab-complete
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 11:04:21 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Sacha Chua <address@hidden> writes:

> Peter K.Lee <address@hidden> writes:
>> Hi, I'm new to Planner, and I've gotta say, it rocks!
> Welcome to Planner! I'd love to hear your comments and suggestions so
> that we can help you customize Planner to fit your particular way of
> planning. I want Planner to make _you_ totally rock! <laugh>
> (And yes, that goes for everyone!)

Thanks!  Although I gotta admit, most of my planning for some time now
has been getting to know Planner inside & out. :)

>> Is there a way to have the *sub* directories of the planner-directory
>> be recognized for auto tab completion?
>> I create a subdirectory called Foo (~/Plans/Foo)
>> I link to a subpage called [[Foo/Bar]].
> If you (setq emacs-wiki-recurse-directories t) before loading planner,
> then you can use just "Bar" to refer to the page. Hope that helps!

That does help.  Well, sort of.  Sometimes it seems to work, and other
times, it doesn't.

Where should I look to see auto complete taking place?

I'd like to see timeclock-x integrated into Planner (if it hasn't been
already), and clock my access to *subdirectories* under the primary
planner directory into separate time log files.


if I have a subdirectory called Foo (~/Plans/Foo)
and a plan file Bar inside that directory (~/Plans/Foo/Bar)

and I have a task in Bar.

if I'm on that task in Bar, and hit C-TAB, I would like to see the
following take place:

timeclock-x would access the (~/.timeclock/Foo.log) file and put in the
entry for the Project: Task.

if already logging, clock out of prior task, and ask for comments.

Basically, I like the idea of multiple jobs inside timeclock-x (since
I do different tasks for different _jobs_ all the time), but I don't
like the kludgey nature of changing jobs as implemented by

I want to see it happen automatically as I clock-in and clock-out of
my planner tasks whether I'm under a particular subdirectory, or on
the primary directory.

So, I could name a subdirectory for a particularly larger project, and
have it clocked separately, or use it traditionally to create it for a
particular client, or to separate out my full-time workplace projects
from other projects.

Now, this would really make me rock!


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