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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Can I complain about point a little more?

From: Patricia J. Hawkins
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Can I complain about point a little more?
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 20:40:57 -0400

>>>>> "j" == johnsu01  <address@hidden> writes:

j> I'm struggling with planner lately, because I've lost track of / don't
j> understand whatever changes have been made recently to the saving buffers
j> behavior.

j> At least, I think that's what the issue is. 

j> Here's what's troubling me:

j> 1) When I save my page, point now jumps to the top of the buffer. I'm used to
j>    obsessively hitting C-x C-s after each change I make (old finger memory), 
j>    this is driving me bonkers. I have to reposition myself everytime I save 
the page.

Drove me bonkers too, I have the same twitch. IIRC, the solution is to
set planner-sort-tasks-automatically to nil. I also have
planner-tasks-never-suppress-fixing-flag set to t -- but then, I'm
using task IDs, so I probably want the fixing.  

j> 2) When I mark a task complete, sometimes the task moves down with the other
j>    completed tasks (in other words, the buffer gets sorted), and sometimes it
j>    doesn't. This inconsistency is also driving me batty. I haven't noticed a
j>    pattern to when sort happens and when it doesn't, but surely there is one.

I think disabling planner-sort-tasks-automatically should do that too.

Patricia J. Hawkins
Hawkins Internet Applications

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