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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: is there a planner-create-note-from-buffer?

From: Janne Hellsten
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: is there a planner-create-note-from-buffer?
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 03:14:29 +0900

> Apt-get install remember-el or get it following the instructions on
> http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/PlannerMode . It's in both
> stable and dev. =)
> Remember.el gives you an easy way to create hyperlinked notes and
> store them somewhere: Planner pages, plain text files,
> mailboxes... It's good stuff. Documentation at

I now installed it from Debian, and it seems to work.  However, which
function should I call in a WL Summary in order to have it add a note
just as `planner-create-task-from-buffer' which makes a hyperlink to
the currently selected e-mail?

I have the following options:

remember                                                   remember-buffer
remember-clipboard                                 remember-mode
remember-planner-add-xref                  remember-region

none of which seemed to accomplish the task.  Maybe my remember-el is
not recent enough?  I am able to add notes to my plans with the above
functions, yes, but I can't pick up hyperlinks to e-mails.

I still find it odd though, that `planner-create-task' asks for the
Plan page to inserto into whereas `planner-create-note' doesn't and
directly inserts into "today's plan".

Best regards,

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