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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Planner plugin for OpenSync

From: Dan Smith
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Planner plugin for OpenSync
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 21:51:53 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hi all,

I have started working on a planner plugin for the OpenSync
architecture.  I'm very early in the process, but it does mostly work
for me to sync with my palm.  I would appreciate feedback from anyone
willing to test it out.


Current features:
 - Appointments get turned into datebook entries, tasks become ToDos.
 - Task page names become OpenSync/Palm categories, if the categories 
   exist on the Palm
 - Task dates become OpenSync/Palm due dates
 - Planner priorities A, B, and C become OpenSync/Palm priorities 1,
   2, and 3.

Known issues:
 - I only sync data from planner to OpenSync.  Changes made on the
   palm are not yet propagated back to planner.
 - I have only implemented a very minimal parser for the planner
   files.  It's very dumb and fragile, and may break on other people's
   planner files.
 - Appointments are all statically set to 1 hour in length.
 - The use of planner-id is required for the plugin to map
   OpenSync/Palm entries to planner entries.

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x38ACF872

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