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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Trying to write code to move a task to a Co

From: Jim Ottaway
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Trying to write code to move a task to a CompletedTask page when completed
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 17:37:20 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> Mark Simpson <address@hidden> writes:

> Thanks, your fix did the trick... part-way.  If my task is on one page
> only then it removes it from that page and adds it to CompletedTasks.
> But if it is on two pages then it ends up on all three.  I'll debug
> this a bit more.  My gut feeling is that it may have to do with the
> distinction between link strings and page names.  I may be trying to
> string= between the two types instead of normalizing to page names
> before comparing.

> Thanks again!

Yes.  My guess is that the bit I have underlined is not correct

(defun planner-gtd-mark-task-hook (old-status new-status)
  (when (or (string= new-status "C")
            (string= new-status "X"))
    (let* ((info (planner-current-task-info))
           (links (planner-multi-task-link-as-list info))
           (new-links (append (remove planner-welcome-page-name links)
                              (list (planner-make-link 
        (planner-replan-task (mapconcat 'identity new-links 
      (when (string= (planner-page-name) planner-welcome-page-name)
        (planner-find-file (car new-links))
        (planner-find-task info))))

since each of links from planner-multi-task-link-as-list will be
wrapped in explicit link brackets, the remove won't match anything.
It should probably be something like

       (new-links (append (planner-multi-link-delete links)...

I also don't think you need to do the (mapconcat 'identity... part
after that, since if the argument to planner-multi-replan-task is a
string it is just split into a list again.  

None of this is tested!


Jim Ottaway

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