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[emacs-wiki-discuss] muse publishing seems broken...

From: Paul Lussier
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] muse publishing seems broken...
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:04:49 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi all,

I'm having trouble publishing my muse projects.  I'm not really sure
why, and can't seem to figure out the backtrace toggle-debug-on-error

I have the following in my .emacs:

(setq load-path (append load-path '("~/lisp/muse")))
(setq muse-file-extension nil
      muse-mode-auto-p t)

(require 'muse-mode)     ; load authoring mode

(require 'muse-html)     ; load publishing styles I use
(require 'muse-latex)
(require 'muse-texinfo)
(require 'muse-docbook)
(require 'muse-project)
(require 'muse-book)

(setq muse-project-alist
        ("~/work/muse" :default "index")
        (:base "html" :path "~/public_html/muse")
        (:base "pdf" :path "~/public_html/muse/pdf"))

        ("~/work/muse/UserDocs" :default "index")
        (:base "html" :path "~/public_html/UserDocs")
        (:base "pdf" :path "~/public_html/UserDocs/pdf"))

        ("WikiPlanner"        ;; use value of `planner-project'
         ("~/Plans"           ;; where your Planner pages are located
          :default "TaskPool" ;; use value of `planner-default-page'
          :major-mode planner-mode
          :visit-link planner-visit-link)

         (:base "xhtml"
                ;; value of `planner-publishing-directory'
                :path "~/public_html/Plans"))))

(defun muse-publish-my-books (&optional force)
  (interactive "P")
     (:nochapters t  ; do automatically add chapters
   "opsbook" "Ops Manual" "book-pdf" "~/public_html/muse/pdf" force))

(setq muse-project-alist '(
                            ("~/work/muse" :default "index")
                            (:base "html" :path "~/public_html/muse")
                            (:base "pdf" :path "~/public_html/muse/pdf"))

                             :default "index")
                            (:base "html" :path "~/public_html/UserDocs")
                            (:base "pdf" :path "~/public_html/UserDocs/pdf"))
                             :default "TaskPool" 
                             :major-mode planner-mode 
                             :visit-link planner-visit-link)
                            (:base "html" :path "~/public_html/Plans"))

                             :default "DiaryEntry" 
                             :major-mode planner-mode 
                             :visit-link planner-visit-link)
                            (:base "html" :path "~/personal/diary/www"))))

Yet, when I try to run run 'muse-project-publish', it bails out with:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  (and (not (file-readable-p ...)) (file-directory-p (file-name-directory ...)) 
(file-name-directory (car pats)))
  (or (and (file-directory-p ...) (car pats)) (and (not ...) (file-directory-p 
...) (file-name-directory ...)))
  (let ((dir ...)) (if dir (let ... ...)))
  (if (symbolp (car pats)) (setq pats (cddr pats)) (let (...) (if dir ...)) 
(setq pats (cdr pats)))
  (while pats (if (symbolp ...) (setq pats ...) (let ... ...) (setq pats ...)))
  (let ((pats ...)) (while pats (if ... ... ... ...)))
  (if (or muse-under-windows-p no-check-p) nil (let (...) (while pats ...)))
  (unless (or muse-under-windows-p no-check-p) (let (...) (while pats ...)))
  (let ((file-alist ...) last-mod) (unless (or muse-under-windows-p no-check-p) 
(let ... ...)) (if (or ... ...) (cadr file-alist) (if file-alist ... ...) 
(save-match-data ...)))
  muse-project-file-alist(("opsdocs" ("~/work/muse" "index") (:base "html" 
:path "~/public_html/muse") (:base "pdf" :path "~/public_html/muse/pdf")))
  (let ((forced-files ...) (file-alist ...)) (dolist (pair file-alist) (when 
... ... ...)) (dolist (file forced-files) (muse-project-publish-file ... styles 
  (let ((styles ...) (muse-current-project project) published) (unless styles 
(setq styles ...)) (muse-project-save-buffers project) (run-hook-with-args 
(quote muse-before-project-publish-hook) project) (let (... ...) (dolist ... 
...) (dolist ... ...)) (run-hook-with-args (quote 
muse-after-project-publish-hook) project) (if published (message "All pages in 
%s have been published." ...) (message "No pages in %s need publishing at this 
time." ...)))
  muse-project-publish(("opsdocs" ("~/work/muse" "index") (:base "html" :path 
"~/public_html/muse") (:base "pdf" :path "~/public_html/muse/pdf")) nil)

And when I try using the 'muse-publish-my-books' as defined above, It
publishes some things, but ends up dying with:

  Warning: pdflatex (file /var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/pdftex.map): entry
  for `cme x7' already exists, duplicates ignored

  Warning: pdflatex (file /var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/pdftex.map): entry
  for `cme x8' already exists, duplicates ignored

  Warning: pdflatex (file /var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/pdftex.map): entry
  for `cme x9' already exists, duplicates ignored
  }] [2] (./opsbook.toc) [3] [4]
  Chapter 1.
  [5] [6]
  Chapter 2.
  ! You can't use `macro parameter character #' in horizontal mode.
  l.28 Model #
              : LTO-LXML2117RB
  ! Emergency stop.
  l.28 Model #
              : LTO-LXML2117RB
  !  ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file is not finished!
  Transcript written on opsbook.log.

Can someone help point me in the right direction, or help me determine
what the problem is? (is it likely a muse configuration issue?).

I've done a 'tla update' of muse, planner-muse, and remember fwiw, I
suspect only the update of muse was necessary.    



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