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[emms-help] Re: emms-cache-file coding system issue

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [emms-help] Re: emms-cache-file coding system issue
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 00:00:50 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

William Xu <address@hidden> writes:

> Michael Olson <address@hidden> writes:
>> Out of curiosity, does the version that I've attached to this email
>> also work?
> Isn't this the last revision before i applied my patch? :P

The difference is that it let-binds coding-system-for-read before
calling the mp3info binary.  And that I removed the iconv call to see
whether that let-binding would be enough.  Apparently it isn't.

> No, it doesn't. 

OK, can you try the following, then?  I want to avoid calling an
external program unless absolutely necessary.  This file calls
`encode-coding-string' instead, which should (I hope) have the same
effect as your patch.

Also, I noticed that there was a use of 'utf-8 remaining in emms-cache
even after your patch.  I've sent in a patch to fix this just now.
Out of curiosity, what happens now when you set both
emms-cache-file-coding-system and emms-info-mp3info-coding-system to
'gbk?  If that works, it might be a better solution for you than
re-encoding every string via iconv or encode-coding-string.

Attachment: pgpWDXRreDC3e.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Attachment: emms-info-mp3info.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 -- http://www.mwolson.org/
Interests: Emacs Lisp, text markup, protocols -- Jabber: mwolson_at_hcoop.net
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