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Re: [Fab-user] remote sudo permissions

From: Alan Hawrylyshen
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] remote sudo permissions
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 12:06:39 -0700

On Sep 8, 2009, at 11:59 , Jeff Forcier wrote:

Hi Tom,

Firstly, Fabric uses /bin/bash to execute its commands, which is why
the remote end is complaining about bash specifically. You can specify
--show=debug on the command line to see the commands Fabric is
actually executing on the remote end, it's typically /bin/bash -l -c
"your command".

Secondly, I'm not sure offhand why it would complain unless your
server has an oddball sudoers setup. Have you worked with sudo before?
Are you sure the account you're connecting as has sudoers permissions
(e.g. is in the 'admin' or 'wheel' group)?

Actually, it sounds like Tom has specifically cranked down the access for sudo.

Lots of administrators will do this. It is generally a good practice.

You don't really want arbitrary root command execution; so interpreted another way:

        Can fabric be configured to dispense with the shell wrapper?

I suspect this is a deep and complex issue; but it is well worth discussing.

Tom; It might be possible to build a custom shell that would work in place of bash that restricted the sub-commands.


Alan Hawrylyshen
a l a n a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a

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