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[Fgs-bs] Gojo

From: Desired Username
Subject: [Fgs-bs] Gojo
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 16:14:03 -0700 (PDT)

Gojo as a per-user number won't work as has been
discussed.  The idea was that a user would have a
supply of Gojo, say 100 pts.  When A wanted to vote to
ban B from room R, both users would have their Gojo
reduced by maybe 10 pts.  Anyone who reaches zero is
banned from the room (temporarily).

The problem is that we need a Gojo value on a per-room
basis.  Keeping a list in the user of their Gojo
values by room seems a little ugly.  Keeping a list of
users' Gojos in the room is a little better, but seems
like it could get out of hand.  Although there's no
reason to store the nominal case when they have a full
Gojo bucket.

Instead, how about this.  Every user has Gojo (a
single bucket of it, not per room).  Voting to ban a
user from a room removes Gojo from your bucket but
doesn't do anything to the target user.  It just
registers a blackball vote against that user at the
room level.  (The room would track these votes for
some tapered time period.)  Gojo acts more like money
in this scenario, with bannage being a service.

Actually, I like the Gojo-by-room concept better, but
it sounds pretty complex.  Or are the room-level
requirements the same in both cases (track Gojo hits
vs track ban votes)?

OK, barring any major problems that you point out, the
middle paragraph is what "I"'ll do. 

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