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Re: [Fle3-dev] Thinking Tools on the WebTop

From: Tarmo Toikkanen
Subject: Re: [Fle3-dev] Thinking Tools on the WebTop
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:00:56 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

The thinking tools should be something like the Apple's mini applications called "Widgets" (see:

If we decide to go ahead with this, I recommend that we proceed as

1. Write user stories about the tools we'd like to have.
2. Analyze their requirements and specify an API that provides all
the services they need (loading and saving data, java/html UI
3. Design into the API services for installing, upgrading and
deinstalling widgets, plus enabling of widgets for users or
4. Implement this API into Fle3.
5. Release Fle3.
6. Start designing and implementing the tools, which can be installed
into a working Fle3 system at any time.

All of this might take a while, so maybe we'll need to release Fle3
1.5 first and get this stuff ready by 1.6.

Tarmo Toikkanen
The Fle3 Team

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