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Re: [fluid-dev] Program change problems with fluidsynth

From: Tom M.
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Program change problems with fluidsynth
Date: Tue, 2 May 2017 20:25:18 +0200

I'm experiencing the same issue, using fluidsynths sequencer API. It seems that this happens when the NoteOn event is inserted before the progChange evt, but still at the same tick as the NoteOn event. Thus a voice for the NoteOn is created and just afterwards the channels program gets set. This really sounds like a bug. But didnt have a detailed look at it, so I might be mistaken...


2017-05-02 11:30 GMT+02:00 Francesco Ariis <address@hidden>:
Hello fluidsynth users/devs,

    today I tried to render a midi file (attached) with fluidsynth via
command line:

    fluidsynth -a alsa -F audio.ogg -T oga /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 hymn1.mid

I attach the first few seconds of the audio file too. As you can hear, the
first note (the first beat I should say) is a piano sound, while
subsequent notes are a church organ.

When I render it with another software (say, llms, attached), every note
is a church organ. What happens?

In case it might be helpful: the midi was generated from an .abc file,
which I attach too.

If you need more infos, don't hesitate to ask

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