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[Freebangfont-devel] Need ur help

From: Rajendra Shastrakar(Raj)
Subject: [Freebangfont-devel] Need ur help
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 17:33:00 +0530 (IST)


We are making a Devanagari OTF font , i was just reading ur .sfd
AkaashNormal file. If you permit i would like to ask few question.

1. I have created a otf file ( basically i have made all the glyphs in
pfaedit and made table and stuff from ttx file ). then i convert from otf
to ttf ( by opening in pfaedit and exporting ) but pfaedit hangs ( i
presume there is a problem with my format)...u have any suggestion in this
2.What is the difference of having a kern pairs in <kern> tables and in
<GPOS> tables , then i made it in kern table it works fine but not with
GPOS... since GPOS gives more power should i go to GPOS ?

3.PLEASE tell me a good test-bed (other then yudit) for OTF files where i
can test my
GPOS/GSUB rules ( btw yudit is not OTF testbed ...or isit? )


  Rajendra Shastrakar ( Raj): address@hidden

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