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Re: [Freebangfont-devel] Pfaedit question

From: Deepayan Sarkar
Subject: Re: [Freebangfont-devel] Pfaedit question
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 16:33:46 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

You are not supposed to do that. The splitting of the okaar into the ekaar and 
aakaar and reordering them as ekaar + ka + aakaar is supposed to be done by 
the client software doing the rendering (which has nothing to do with a font. 
Which is why you will see this done in gedit even if you use a font without 
opentype features).

As you can imagine, the reordering is quite complicated when conjuncts and 
ZWJ/ZWNJ get involved (e.g., Yudit has a bug for words like 'jyoti'). 
Microsoft has a page which claims to explain this algorithm as they have 
implemented it.

On Monday 19 May 2003 10:58, Sayamindu Dasgupta wrote:
> Lets say, I want to make a rule, where
> ka okaar -> ekaar ka aakaar
> How do I do that in pfaedit??
> -sdg-

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