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[Freecats-Dev] Database structure & indexing - NOW we MAY have something

From: Henri Chorand
Subject: [Freecats-Dev] Database structure & indexing - NOW we MAY have something
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 01:41:09 +0100
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Hi all,

I've thought over the fuzzy matching issue [how do we do it?] during the last 24 hours (yes, I did also sleep a few hours and had a normal day's work) and I now have a first solution.

All I can say about it is that it should work (return reliable results), even if a lot probably remains to be done and if I can't tell if performance will be OK or miserable. Still, in a true free software spirit, better publish early, so here you are now.

The previous document I sent yesterday contained a number of mistakes which are now corrected, and did not provide anything near finished concerning fuzzy search. Please drop it.

This time, I'm sending it as an RTF document, because I could not make indents in a HTML document with Open Office - OO native format is 20 Kb, OO HTML is 40 Kb and OO RTF is 80 Kb.

I could ask all the project team to get and install a copy of Open Office, but the Mac version is still at the Final Beta stage :-(

I also sent this document to my former maths teacher (after that, he obtained a PhD in computing and now works in a software house), and to a French expert on text indexing - I worked one year in his R&D team, designing and writing software documentation, and he's a very nice man. So, let's wake up math wizards all around, offer them some coffee and beg for improvements ;-)



Attachment: DB_indexing.rtf
Description: RTF file

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