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From: Mark Mitchell
Subject: CVS
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 13:57:28 -0800

I hope everyone enjoyed our meeting over the last couple of days.  I
know I did!

We've set up the read-only anonymous CVS Repository for POOMA.  The
repository contains the exact bits as of this morning from LANL.

Here is how you access it:

  cvs -d :pserver:address@hidden:/home/pooma/Repository login

That should be one giant line.  When you are prompted for a password,
use `anoncvs'.  You only have to do this step once; the authentication
token will be stored forever on your computer.

Then, do:

  cvs -d :pserver:address@hidden:/home/pooma/Repository co r2

to check out the sources.

If you don't want to have to type the giant `-d' bit, set the CVSROOT
environment variable to contain the `:pserver...' bit.  Of course,
once you have the `r2' directory checked out, you'll not have to type
the `-d' bit again.

I've researched the idea of using password (rather than SSH) based CVS
a little more, and the news isn't good.  The risks are greater than I
had hoped; apparently, there is a good chance that compromise will
result in much greater damage than simply a mangled repository.  In
general, the attacker could get lots of other machine access as well.

So, it would be really good if we could use SSH1 keys.  Please
generate a new SSH key and send me the public key at your convenience.
(Except for Jeffrey; I've already got a key for you.)  

If this presents a real problem for the Mac folks, we need to figure
out what to do.  One possibility is to allow connections only from
certain IP addresses; I'm not sure whether everyone has static IP
addresses or not.  We definitely need to figure out how to make things
convenient for everyone.

Thank you,

Mark Mitchell                   address@hidden
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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