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[FR-devel] Commands

From: Rich Kilmer
Subject: [FR-devel] Commands
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:50:11 -0500


I proposed to combine the EditCommands.rb and AppCommands.rb into
CoreCommands.rb.  It makes little sense to have separate plugins for
these two since they do the same thing.  I am also adding an additional
component (OutputPane) and needed a command for App/View/ had
no where to go (AppCommands or EditCommands).  Internally in the
CoreCommands we can make comments that break apart the functionality
into groups (File, Edit, View, etc).  I have done this and want to check
it in.  Is this OK?


Rich Kilmer, InfoEther LLC
trap("SIGINT") { raise [104, 101, 108, 108].pack("cccc") }

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