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Re: [Devel] 2.1.0 : win32 compile pb

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [Devel] 2.1.0 : win32 compile pb
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:16:19 +0200

Salut Vincent,

Vincent Caron a écrit :
> I know we were asked to check compilations a few days ago, but the bug
> was actually reported today by a friend :). Seems that the
> builds/win32/ftdebug.c is not in sync with 2.1.0 changes. Mostly :
> - lacks a ft_debug_init() function (-> link error in projects using
> FreeType)
> - FT_SetTraceLevel() implementation still present but deprecated in
> 2.1.0's interface
> I'm seeing the exact same pb in builds/amiga/src/base/ftdebug.c. What
> should be done ?
> 1) update those platform-specific ftdebug.c files ?
> 2) or remove them, and merge the platform specific code into
> src/base/ftdebug.c : the difference is something like 2 lines (vprintf /
> vsprintf+OutputDebugStringA / KVPrintF). Well, at least the
> getenv('FT2_DEBUG') compiles and is usable under Win32, don't know for
> the Amiga. I also don't know if FreeType policy likes #idef _myplatform
> in base code.
> 3) or ?

Oops, I did build and link the library on Win32 succesfully, but I
wasn't using "builds/win32" to do that... !!

I have commited a fix in the current CVS. Could you test it and tell
me if everything works now. If it does, I'm ready to release 2.1.1
right now..

By the way, I've "fixed" builds/amiga/src/base/ftdebug.c as well, 
but it'd be kind if someone could compile this code or even
improve it (for now, all logging support is disabled since I
don't know if "getenv" is available on that platform)


- David Turner
- The FreeType Project  (

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