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[ft-devel] Re: [ft] Creating an [OT]TF font from BDF font

From: George Williams
Subject: [ft-devel] Re: [ft] Creating an [OT]TF font from BDF font
Date: 17 Dec 2005 16:01:38 -0800

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 23:22, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > Is there some way to look at all the properties without having to
> > guess which ones are present?
> > 
> > If not, I see four choices:
> >
> >  * Add a new API call, something like FT_Get_BDF_NextProperty But it
> >    seems silly to extend the API for a format we are trying to get
> >    rid of.  So that doesn't seem like a good idea
> Well, actually I like this idea -- even if BDF will be of less
> importance in the future, there are far too many BDF still out, and
> FreeType's support should be adequate (it's not necessary to make it
> deluxe :-).  Can you provide some code?
Ok, here is an iterator.
   FT_GetIterate_BDF_Property(FT_Face,BDF_PropertyIteratorRec *aprop)
To get the first property set,
   aprop->index = 0
(each call will automagically increment)

aprop->cnt      will be set to the number of properties in the face
aprop->name     the name string
aprop->property standard BDF_PropertyRec with the value.

I include two patches, iterate_bdf.patch.bz2 handles bdf & pcf fonts
                       sfnt.patch.bz2 is based on David's sfnt bdf code
                           (and handles sfnts).

Attachment: iterate_bdf.patch.bz2
Description: application/bzip

Attachment: sfnt.patch.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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