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Re: [ft-devel] Re: 2.2.2

From: Masatake YAMATO
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Re: 2.2.2
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:55:09 +0900 (JST)

> > We should ask David to rethink git. Hosting freetype on
> > may also be very benefitial to attract top
> > developers. Imagine freetype on
> > . Wouldn't that be great if it is possible?
> Guys, there are much more important things currently than to think
> about changing to git.  lilypond, for example, has up to 10 active
> developers.  FreeType, on the other hand, is basically just David,
> mpsuzuki, and me.  CVS is fully sufficient for work IMHO.

How do you think deploy a git repository mirrored from the CVS 
repository? The mirroring is done by a script run by crontab.

During developing gxvalid, mpsuzuki and I used gnuarch archives
mirrored from the CVS repository. It was quite useful to develop
gxvalid under the off-line environment in a commuter train.

The development of emacs-multitty uses gnuarch archives 
mirrored from an unofficial GNU Emacs gnuarch archive 
mirrored from office GNU Emacs CVS repository.

I think mirroring is good compromise between

  the official developers who think CVS is not so bad for the current 
  development progress,


  unofficial developers who want to use distributed version control system
  to develop rather big code.

Masatake YAMATO

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