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Re: [ft-devel] problems with OpenType/CFF in Freetype 2.3.0

From: James Cloos
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] problems with OpenType/CFF in Freetype 2.3.0
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:09:30 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Werner" == Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> writes:

>> since we updated to FreeType 2.3.0, some glyphs in some of
>> our fonts (Opentype, CFF) are not rendered any more. [...]

Werner> I think I've just fixed it (Savannah bug #18867).
Werner> Please test the CVS.

Works for me.

But the native hinting is still different between cff and type1 for
some glyphs.  It looks like it may be an off-by-one related to the
blues, and affects vertical stems and vertical zones for curves.

As an example, in some affected fonts which have underbars in their
glyphs for ª and º, the type1 loader results in renderings where the
a or o overhang wider than the underbar, whereas the cff loader
renders them the same width as the underbar.

James Cloos <address@hidden>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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