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[ft-devel] [PATCH] Fix FT_Get_PFR_Advance()

From: Jon Foster
Subject: [ft-devel] [PATCH] Fix FT_Get_PFR_Advance()
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:33:24 +0100


FT_Get_PFR_Advance() seems to expect a 0-based glyph index, but the rest
Freetype deals with 1-based glyph indexes.  As a result, calling this
function with the highest legal glyph index will fail.  Calling it with
other values will presumably give the wrong result.

The following patch fixes the problem.  This is against Freetype 2.3.5,
the code appears to be unchanged in today's CVS.  I have verified that
this change, FT_Get_PFR_Advance() produces the same result as our old
proprietary method of extracting this data.

Kind regards,

Jon Foster

diff -u -p -r1.2 pfrdrivr.c
--- src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c  13 May 2008 16:09:27 -0000      1.2
+++ src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c  16 Jul 2008 15:08:25 -0000
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
       PFR_PhyFont  phys = &face->phy_font;

-      if ( gindex < phys->num_chars )
+      if ( gindex != 0 && gindex <= phys->num_chars )
-        *anadvance = phys->chars[gindex].advance;
+        *anadvance = phys->chars[gindex - 1].advance;
         error = 0;

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