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Re: [ft-devel] rendering speedup

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] rendering speedup
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:14:10 +0100 (CET)

> However, there is a person maintaining the Infinality patch-set
> and that integrates cleanly on 'master'.

Aah, good to know!

> The main issues with it (besides the inner workings on font
> rendering which are black-box for me) were performance related.  The
> worst of it is not what I attached but the getenv/sscanf type of
> settings reading from rather hot inner sections of freetype code.
> However, I do have a fix for them with another patch making the
> parameter storage internal.  It wouldn't be a complicated job for me
> to upload these changes in a separate branch if any interest for
> having the `Infinality` option also at the source.

I think it would be best if your changes go into the `bohoomil'
repository!  Note that I can't accept the additional Infinality
patches in its current form – using environment variables is a bad
idea for such a low-level library as FreeType.

The right way would be to add `properties'
(cf. `FT_Property_{Set,Get}) that act on the various FreeType modules.
Erik promised to work on that, but he never did...  Maybe bohoomil is


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