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Re: [ft-devel] C99, long long, and inline

From: Robin Watts
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] C99, long long, and inline
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 18:55:21 +0100
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On 12/09/2016 14:35, Alexei Podtelezhnikov wrote:
Anyway, I am for the jump to C99 in 2.8.

I would argue against it.

Freetype is used in many many more places that you can imagine; lots of them will have strange historical compilers. Straining them is a bad idea.

Personally I'd like to see freetype stay as C89, but to use some of the following features:

*long long*
Freetype emulates its own 64-bit arithmetic on LLP64 platforms (like
Windows) in order to stay ANSI. This is crazy in this day and age. We
should go C99 by default and and provide 64-bit emulation only if a
user begs for it in ftconfig.h.

The 'correct' thing to do (IMAO) is to use an int64_t (or ft_int64_t if you prefer) type. On systems that provide int64_t, we have no problems. On systems that don't provide it, then we can #define int64_t long long (or whatever is appropriate). And finally, and as a last resort, we can drop back to an emulation if there is no native 64bit type available.

Freetype smooth rasterizer is very nested. I seems to me that gcc
selects some inlining scheme. Does anyone know how to check this? I
would like to have some control over inlining, which can be useful for
performance tuning.

Again, I'd argue for us just using 'inline' (or INLINE or FT_INLINE), and we can #define that as required.

Relying on compilers to get optimisation right automagically is a mugs game. They can barely get compilation right...

*other C99 features*
Please voice your opinion.

Please, please, please can we avoid the practise of introducing variables other than at the start of a block? When you suddenly have to get code that's been written in 'declare just in time' style working on compilers that don't support it, it's a massive pain in the behind.

Just my 2c.


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