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Re: [ft] Outline questions

From: Chia I Wu
Subject: Re: [ft] Outline questions
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 07:00:15 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 09:21:27AM +0200, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> Hello list,
> with some code that I found on this list :), I retrieve a character
> glyph outline's (for now a simple "I" into Arial font).
> All work well, but I have two questions:
> with this code [1], I see that freetype say me:
>  outline 0 from point 0 to point 3
>  point 0  x 384 y 0
>  point 1  x 832 y 0
>  point 2  x 832 y 2296
>  point 3  x 384 y 2296
>  outline 1 from point 4 to point 0
>  outline 2 from point 1 to point 0
>  outline 3 from point 1 to point 0
> so, what outline 1,2,3 are saying me? what is the point 4 (outline 1)?
> What is the right method for read those informations? (is this are the
> right method for read and talk to outlines :) )
Every contour is a closed curve.  The last point of the n-th contour is
recorded in outline.contour[n] and following it, comes the first point
of this contour (to form a closed curve).  The (n+1)-th contour begins
at outline.contour[n] + 1.

As for the code, you should use outline.n_contours in the outer `for'. I
don't know if the rest is correct or not, but with the understanding of
a contour, it should not be too hard to correct it, if there is any.


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