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[ft] TrueType font subsetting

From: Michael Day
Subject: [ft] TrueType font subsetting
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:26:07 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070104)


Applications that produce PDF files may need to perform TrueType font subsetting, in which the unused glyphs and tables are discarded from a font in order to save space. This is particularly important for CJK fonts, as they are very large and a PDF document will typically only use a small fraction of the glyphs in the font.

FreeType does not appear to provide support for font subsetting, which involves creating a new font rather than loading an existing one. Is there any interest in adding this functionality to FreeType?

The reason I ask is that we are implementing TrueType font subsetting in Prince, our PDF formatter for printing web pages, and since we already use FreeType for processing fonts we would be happy to contribute the subsetting module we are developing for inclusion in FreeType.

Best regards,


Print XML with Prince!

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