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[possibly urgent] "GPL violation made easy" by Borland

From: Christian Selig
Subject: [possibly urgent] "GPL violation made easy" by Borland
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 19:19:53 +0100
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Hello to all of you!

First greetings to the US recipients, we at the FSF Europe are doing quite well :-)

Perhaps someone of you already has read http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/369/

Short summary:
Borland, a well-known vendor of proprietary development software, publishes its Delphi RAD Tool as "Kylix" for GNU/Linux platforms. There are so-called "professional" versions with more features, costing heavy money.

The potential problem is the "open" edition, which allows you to use a stripped-down (downloadable) version of Kylix to create exclusively GPL software. (Though its certainly no good idea to use proprietary IDEs to develop free software, its better than entirely non-free software.) No really big issue, because a proprietary IDE (editor, Makefile generator etc.) usually poses no legal threat to free software developed with it. But development with Kylix is usually very closed tied to the usage and linking of its component library. This component library is proprietary and fullfills the same task as Qt in KDE. Some issues never disappear ...

Besides that "old" Qt problem, the Kylix license is even more obnoxious than common proprietary licensing, because it allows Borland to audit you whether you have paid the right amount of money (possibly through your network!) and forbids you to take class-action suits against Borland. Questions to the legal experts: Having applications link to that library - isn't that legally problematic?

I doubt that we can talk to these people seriously. It would be better to put out a warning on the FSF and FSF Europe pages to show that threat to free software and remind people to only use free software to write new free software.

Thanks for your patience and time,
  Christian Selig
  (FSF Europe - education and web dude^Wvolunteer :)

I am chaos.  I am the substance from which your artists and scientists
build rhythms.  I am the spirit with which your children and clowns
laugh in happy anarchy.  I am chaos. I am alive, and tell you that you
are free. - Eris, Goddess Of Chaos, Discord & Confusion

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