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RE: [Fsfe-uk] OpenOffice uptake within Manchester

From: PFJ
Subject: RE: [Fsfe-uk] OpenOffice uptake within Manchester
Date: 10 Jul 2003 10:54:06 +0100


> Is there a link to OOo on the downloads page? Something we were
> considering
> here, along with putting the file sizes, to encourage the OOo version
> to be
> adopted.

Not as such. Universities tend to be scared crapless of Microsoft. It
was an uphill stuggle to get anything other than Excel files onto the
site. The proviso that was used was that I could put the links there,
but could not advertise the products, so I guess it's better than

Put it this way, I have been asked (informally albeit) to change me
email signatures for personal email as it could be seen as a slight
against MS - even though they don't say anything about MS! The paranoia
is such that as people know who I work for, emails from me, outside of
work (or in this case, written during a break at work) should not
contain anything which could incur the wrath. Needless to say that I
said they would stay as they are until I change them again. My boss was
not over enamored to find I post to linux usenet groups[1]!!

I never thought I'd say this, but I honestly thought that emails and
usenet postings made from home had nothing to do with work (seeing as
they're done outside of work and on my own machine), seems that was



Oh what a give away ;-p

[1] They only found this out after the Gomeche debacle - visit ucol on
groups.google if you missed the fun and games...

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