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Re: [Fsfe-uk] FLOSS is more democratic for schools!

From: Space Bunny
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] FLOSS is more democratic for schools!
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 11:53:58 +0000
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The poll is actually at:

A more fitting (and fairer) process than a raw vote of all these mascot images lined up together where they have brought very different creative element and skills would maybe be several votes using Single Transferable Vote (STV) around did viewers think the proposal fort filled certain criteria, and then with results let those involved collaborate on drawing together elements ones that came out top together into mascot to be use.

This is because some of one that are not doing well in this vote have within them element that it would not be good to loose when the one winner wins through.

After all one of strengths of free software is the one winner does not beat all the rest, but everyone still gets a chance to input into the mix. And the winner often has to take on board what even minorities for them they like about those that don't win.

Now I realise that the totality of the way co-operation is encouraged under free software can not be taken into this one bid for one mascot for one particular project but I am just observing.

I myself don't have time to create voting scripts to handle the multiple STV vote, as I don't think I know of any free software ones.

btw Is there a freely usable Open Office macro or spreadsheet template to do Single Transferable Vote, knocking around?

I once remember some DOS executable maybe from code written in FORTRAN or similar being used for a student committee, which I once stood for. I did not win but my ego was not as crushed as it would have been if I had not seen all those second and third choice votes coming in.

Though the real thing for the kids who participated in this competition is that whatever happened in the vote they will be free to give a copy of OpenOffice to their friends with whatever logo they wish stuck on the cover, because they are not subjugated by wishs the developers, and the developers can not force use to only fit in with one outreach/marketing project, which in turn mean those dominant outreach/marketing projects will take on board and incorporate from the vast range of creativity and energy that abounds in the world, that is attracted to the software.

I have been a cheerleader of TheOpenCD project http://theopencd.org
with version 2 the autorun popup menus for installers with screenshots/demos/tutorials (disctree) will be easier to modify to create derivative versions. Hopefully soon it will be easier to roll one's own outreach cdrom based on it, so so see a multitude of various outreach cdroms with different themes to suit different people.

Also as regards Outreach, my local LUG group has developed a constituted Outreach group, which at one point seemed impossible to have formally attached to the the EdLUG group due to it's history.

I myself am not that involved with EdLUG and so would have gone for developing separate Free Software advocacy group but have never made time to do so, and so maybe outreach.

bye for now


ian wrote:

Please help in voting for the OpenOffice.org education project mascot.
Entries by pupils from around the world at

The project will adopt the work of the pupil that gets most votes. Get
your students to vote and get them participating in a live FLOSS
project. This is an element of total cost of ownership that is
impossible to put a price on in education.


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