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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re: M$ jump on the poverty bandwagon

From: Lee Braiden
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re: M$ jump on the poverty bandwagon
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 08:24:42 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.8

On Tuesday 05 Jul 2005 04:46, Mark Preston wrote:
> Just as the pop stars who appeared on Live8 would presumably be unhappy
> to consider abolishing or shortening music copyright laws for the common
> good, I presume Bill Gates would still be unhappy about having to "open
> source" Windows, or reduce the onerous terms of his various software
> licences.

Yes, well... most pop stars don't steal their fellow pop-stars' ideas and then 
crush them.  Also, I seem to recall Bill being asked to lower the cost of 
software in Africa so that people could actually afford his technology.  He 

I'm also disturbed at how Bill has been popping up with world leaders etc. 
recently.  Seems he's interested in becoming a political figure, and, if he's 
appearing to crowds of teenagers at rock concerts rather than appearing on 
the news or -- *gasp* giving anonymously and altruistically -- then I suspect 
it has more to do with selling X-Boxes and/or online music services to 
dominate markets, than anything else.

Everyone can and will make up their own minds of course, but Bill and his 
company have a long history of very nasty activities.  As someone said, a 
person is not who they were the last time you met them, but who they've been 
throughout your whole relationship.


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