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Re: [gcmd-dev] root mode terminal

From: Michael
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] root mode terminal
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 21:53:26 +0100
User-agent: claws-mail.org

>       gksu roxterm -e
That's triggering exactly that error. The terminal options have to be 'escaped' 
by including them into brackets like "" or '', and -e also needs an argument.

What you could do, for example, is 

gksu "roxterm -e sh"

But somehow that's not how it would be done in roxterm, since it loses all 
color and font settings.
roxterm (like others) has internal profile configurator, and you would 
configure one of these profiles as 'root' profile, let's name it 'root-term' 
and then can start roxterm with

roxterm -p root-term

and then get a standard root password prompt in the shell, but with all your 
color and font settings.

I guess roxterm is not the only one with specific profiles 'out there', and 
that's why i initially proposed to make the actual gcmd command for invoking a 
root terminal fully configurable (maybe default to gksu) so that it could be 

(to clarify this, there wasn't any predefined root profile in roxterm, but the 
configurator allows to specify the login command and when you set this to 'su 
--login root' then you have it. And btw. do you realize that xterm -e 'su 
--login root' gets rid of invoking gksu in the first instance? I admit, less 
cool, but more easy and solid as rock.)

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