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[Gdb] Re[2]: Gdb's unexpected behaviour.

From: Vyacheslav Zakharin
Subject: [Gdb] Re[2]: Gdb's unexpected behaviour.
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:25:59 +0600

>>Eric Hanchrow writes:
EH>     VZ> When I start debugging foo(), pointer "=>" move:
EH>     VZ> (1)->(2)->(3)->(2)->(1)->(3)->...

EH>     VZ> Writing "p len" in state (2|3|4) produce:
EH>     VZ>         "len" not defined in current context.

EH>     VZ> What's the reason? Please help.

EH> It sounds like your source is "out of sync" with your binary -- you
EH> simply need to recompile.

Ben Elliston was right - it's all because of optimization.
Thanks to all.


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