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[Geiser-users] Help associating source and REPL - "No prompt found!"

From: Jon Miller
Subject: [Geiser-users] Help associating source and REPL - "No prompt found!"
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 08:36:57 -0800
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.2.1

Hello Geiser folks,

I've just installed Geiser last evening and plan on using it while working
through the SICP book with folks from work. Loving it so far. The other thing
I'm trying to do is to incorporate it with literate notes within a org-mode
file[1]. I'm having problems getting a geiser REPL running and communicating
with that from my org file.

I believe I've narrowed down the problem to a problem associating my source
file with the geiser REPL. With a plain scheme file example.rkt, I have the
example code:
(define (cube x) (* x x x))

When I run M-x run-geiser, it will start a REPL and split my window but I'll
get a message in the minibuffer "No prompt found!" In my *Messages* buffer,
I'm seeing the following: geiser-repl--wait-for-prompt: No prompt found!

I've tried playing with various values for geiser-repl-startup-time from the
smallest 1000 to the largest value of 20000. Same result each time.

I later try M-x scheme-send-definition as well as M-x scheme-send-region and
the simple cube definition never makes it's way to my REPL.

So, I'm hopefully providing enough information and you can see why I might be
concluding a communication and/or problem properly launching the Geiser REPL
is likely my root problem. Any suggestions?

Jon Miller


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