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Re: [Geiser-users] Help associating source and REPL - "No prompt found!"

From: Jose A. Ortega Ruiz
Subject: Re: [Geiser-users] Help associating source and REPL - "No prompt found!"
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:22:02 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Jon, i think the problem is probably with the installation using the
el-get recipe.  If all it does is making a checkout of the git repo in
<path-to-geiser>, you need to add the following code to your .emacs (or

  (load-file "<path-to-geiser>/elisp/geiser.el")

and you do *not* have to (require 'geiser) anywhere in your config.

The problems you're seeing with the prompt regexp not being set are due
just to the appropriate geiser elisp files not being loaded.

(I haven't had time to have a look at el-get yet, and don't really know
a good way to fix it, but i think the above should work, which is
basically following the instructions to install from source:

Hope this helps!
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Geniuses remove it.
  - Alan Perlis, Epigrams in Programing

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