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Re: [Getfem-users] vector product identity

From: Renard Yves
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] vector product identity
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 21:57:41 +0200
User-agent: Dynamic Internet Messaging Program (DIMP) H3 (1.1.2)

I can, nevertheless, propose the following proof

for v = (Ma) x (Mb) and M invertible one has
v_i = det(Ma; Mb; ei) = det(M) det(a,b,M^(-1)e_i)
    = det(M) (a x b).(M^(-1)e_i)
    = det(M) ei^T M^(-T) . (a x b)
which can be rewritten

v = det(M) M^(-T) (a x b)


Roman Putanowicz <address@hidden> a écrit :

Dear All,
Please take my sincere apologies for the Polish post. I've must be to tired
and instead to our internal mailing list I have posted it to getfem :).
I have made in past all sorts of mistakes but this is the first one of this


Dear Roman,

I just want to draw your attention that you're posting in Polish on getfem
mail list.
(Although as an Ukrainian I understand some stuff, but not good enough :)

Best regards,

2010/9/18 Roman Putanowicz <address@hidden>

> Witam,
> Czy spotkali?cie si? mo?e gdzie? z dowodem poni?szej to?samo?ci:
>   (Ma) x (Mb) = det(M) M^(-T) (a x b)
> gdzie M macierz nieosobliwa, a,b -wektory, 'x' oznacza iloczyn wektorowy.
> Mo?na pokaza?, ?e powy?sze jest prawdziwe transformuj?c uk?ad wspó?rz?dnych
> do uk?adu w?asnego macierzy M ale jako? mi sie ten dowód nie podoba.
> Do czego mi to potrzebne? Mo?na to wykorzysta? wyprowadzaj?c wzór na
> transformacj? elementu obj?to?ci.
> Pozdr,
> Romek
> --
> Roman Putanowicz, PhD  < address@hidden  >
> Institute for Computational Civil Engng (L-5)
> Dept. of Civil Engng, Cracow Univ. of Technology
>, tel. +48 12 628 2569, fax 2034
> _______________________________________________
> Getfem-users mailing list
> address@hidden

Roman Putanowicz, PhD  < address@hidden  >
Institute for Computational Civil Engng (L-5)
Dept. of Civil Engng, Cracow Univ. of Technology, tel. +48 12 628 2569, fax 2034

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