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[glob2-devel] CVS (oui, le grand mechant CVS tout noir qui fait peur d

From: Stephane Magnenat
Subject: [glob2-devel] CVS (oui, le grand mechant CVS tout noir qui fait peur dans la nuit)...
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 23:19:00 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.2


Je trouve que cette peur du CVS est un peu excessive. Il me semble plus utile 
de concentrer les effort a rendre CVS + ssh + savannah facile a utiliser 
(page de doc, ...) que de reinventer la roue.

Mais je suis bon et ouvert,



P.S.            Seriously, l4 is cool. But the best nano-kernel with the latest 
scientific result keep being a scientist dream until it has a solid device 
driver model and good servers on top of it (and KDE and glob2, but it's 
another issue). Martin, port Hurd to L4, then I'll find you a computer to 
host your 
meta-conceptual-web-server-dynamic-hot-pluggable-killer-application. Until 
then, it's vapoware ;-)

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