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[glob2-devel] Do you want my help ?

From: Court-Jus
Subject: [glob2-devel] Do you want my help ?
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:20:33 +0200


I'm a french fan of Globulation 2 but I miss the documentation

As I've learned by myself, I would like to write the start guide and
game documentation of globulation 2 or to contribute with the writers.

First I'll write it in french and then I'll translate it in English

Let me know if you need my help :))

A+, Court-Jus
"Ceux qui abandonnent un peu de leurs libertés essentielles en
échange d'un peu plus de sécurité ne méritent ni la liberté,
ni la sécurité, et vont perdre les deux"
Thomas Jefferson

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