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Re: [glob2-devel] session.cpp code

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] session.cpp code
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:42:14 -0400

On 3/26/07, donkyhotay <address@hidden> wrote:
Is anyone here familiar with how session.cpp works in glob2? I've been
working on implementing custom prestige settings however I'm having
trouble with the code within session.cpp, specifically within
SessionGame::load and SessionGame::save I've tried inserting the new
variable varPrestige however when I do so it won't read the maps. Even
when I have tried updating the *SessionGame::getData and
*SessionGame::setData I still get the same issue. Without being able to
successfully pass the varPrestige variable through the session the only
alternative I can come up with is piggybacking it on the orders whenever
one is sent/recieved but that is real ugly even for me and I want to
avoid that.

Remember that if almost all changes to loading require you to increase
the version in Version.h and add wrappers arround loading code using

Otherwise, your code will try to load a variable that hasn't been
saved to the file in the first place, which will eventually lead to an

Saving doesn't require using versionMinor, simply because you always
save in the latest format. There is no way, and no desire to have a
way, to save from a newer version to an older savegame version.

Do not be afraid to joust a giant just because some people insist on
believing in windmills.

glob2-devel mailing list

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.

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