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[glob2-devel] Next Release

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: [glob2-devel] Next Release
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 22:34:45 -0400

I think its about time we released our next version. If we are going
to change our naming scheme, we should probably decide on a new naming
scheme soon.

Seeing as our current release is 0.8.21 otherwise known as Alpha 21,
we could simply change nothing and stick with 0.8.22 / Alpha 22.

Without changing much in our naming scheme we could move our version
minor to 0.9.1. We'd need to come up with some pet name for our 0.9
series of releases ( beta? ). This however changes nothing really in
our naming scheme.

Allot of people seem to support the idea of doing a simple glob-22 and
glob-23 style scheme. I'm somewhat against this, while its simple, its
almost too simple. When talking about a release we talk about glob-22
and glob-21 etc anyhow so it really only makes a difference in
official documents, and it seems quite different from common

I'm in favor of one of the first two ideas. We are moving closer to a
1.0 release, and the number of major things that need to be written
and/or rewritten is steadily decreasing. Moving into 0.9 emphasizes
this fact and is a feat on its own. Many times we have considered
doing a 1.0 release after feature x was completed, but it never really
happened. Doing our first 0.9 release can be a testament to the years
of effort done on the project.

Whatever we do, its been 4-5 months since our last release and allot
of changes have taken place.

I'm gonna try and get as much testing done on the new unit allocation
system because I've found increasingly obscure crash bugs in it. I
haven't found any recently though, I might have covered them all.

Otherwise, if and when people agree on it, I will do a release of our
next version.
Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.

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