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[glob2-devel] VOIP on win32 done blindly

From: Stéphane Magnenat
Subject: [glob2-devel] VOIP on win32 done blindly
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 22:55:21 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 0.20070907.709405)


I've added VOIP support for win32 in "default" branch (not beta3-rc). I did it 
blindly without compiling or testing, having not the right setup here. Kieran 
reports that it builds.

The code itself is tested for 44100 Hz stereo input, I have no idea if it 
works for 8000 Hz mono. Furthermore, as glob2 currently does not have any 
sound source chooser dialog, it always choose the source of index 0. This is 
extremely stupid of course.

But at least now the code is in and I hope someone with a win32 build 
environment and a microphone would test and fix if necessary.

Have a nice day,



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