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[Gnash-dev] gnash run slowly on arm with agg-renderer

From: ligy8160
Subject: [Gnash-dev] gnash run slowly on arm with agg-renderer
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 10:10:30 +0800 (CST)

I meet some problems when run gnash on arm platform.

Now, the gnash has transplanted to arm board, but when it play, it's effeciency is too slow,

and the graphs displayed too slowly. I use AGG with renderer,

and I found when deal with vector graphs , it took too many time

to do the work, in agg libs, there are also so many double point

type compute when rastering the graphs. So I want to know how can I resolve the problem I counted.Hope you can give me some suggestions.Thanks!

My CPU is ARM926EJ-S, It's main frequency is 266MHz .

B Rgards


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