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Re: gnats/330: get_adm_record doesn't handle adm_db_name=0

From: Andrew Gray
Subject: Re: gnats/330: get_adm_record doesn't handle adm_db_name=0
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 21:28:05 +1000

> > Could you tell me if you made any changes to the GNATS configuration
> > that might be related to this problem? For example, did you edit the
> > severity field entry in the dbconfig file? Thanks.
> > 
> In the default in that version, there is a field 
> sevirity, with a key 'critical'.  
> I could be wrong (it has been a while), but I think to trigger
> the error, don't specify a database on the command line,
> and use any field and key value which is in the index.

Yes, the default dbconfig file has the following entry for severity:

field "Severity" {
    builtin-name "severity"
    description "How severe is the PR?"
    enum {
    values { "critical" "serious" "non-critical" }
    default "serious"
    # We don't want to suggest a default when a PR is being input.
    input-default ""

With this dbconfig file the command:
 query-pr--adm-field severity --adm-key critical
did not trigger a segmentation fault.

Are you currently running a GNATS environment? Can you trigger the
problem in that environment?

Andrew Gray

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