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[Es-gnewsense-users] glosario de GNOME

From: Tonatiuh de San Julián
Subject: [Es-gnewsense-users] glosario de GNOME
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 04:07:50 +0200

Quería pedir una ayuda!
No consigo el glosario de traducción al español de Gnome. Esto es lo que
he podido encontrar:

A glossary 

      * It is important that your translation consistently uses the same
        terms to avoid confusing users. A standard glossary will help
        you ensure that you do not refer to one thing by many names. Try
        not to invent new terms but to reuse existing ones — look for a
        governing body for your language, or translations used in other
        projects, or terminology used in Microsoft Windows or Apple OS
        X. In particular, it's preferable to be consistent with other
        free desktop environments such as KDE. If you do have to create
        new terminology, or decide to use one word rather than another,
        do document your choice (and the reasoning behind it) in your
        glossary. This saves confusion later. Expect to change some of
        your initial glossary suggestions after some time translating.
        It's only once you start translating that you start to notice
        Some teams are the same people as those translating KDE or
        Mozilla or OpenOffice into the same language. In other teams,
        there is a separate team for each of these projects. In the
        second case, it's a very good idea to contact these other teams
        and find out what they are using, what they have abandoned, and
        so on. 
        A good foundation to base your glossary upon is a combination of
        the GNOME Documentation Project's Style Guide and the glossary
        found in the gnome-i18n module in GNOME SVN, although the latter
        needs updating. 
        Another option worth to mention is to use in order
        to look up any existing translations of an english word that you
        want to translate. This service could also be used to search for
        inconsistencies in translations. 
He llegado aqui:
pero no encuentro nada parecido a un glosario.

Gracias de antemano!

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