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Re: Handling large numbers of SMS and other problems with Nokia 3500c

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: Re: Handling large numbers of SMS and other problems with Nokia 3500c
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 23:39:23 +0100

2013/1/21 Krylov Ivan>:

> After that I tried to delete them using gnokii; the program worked
> without any error messages, but after that any on-phone operation with
> SMS (like trying to open inbox) returned "Failed, please try again" (not
> an actual error message, but a translation from Russian). I tried to
> "delete all messages" from SMS menu, then phone deleted ~3000 messages
> (not ~5000 like gnokii said), but the failure persisted, and selecting
> "delete all messages" caused another removing of ~3000 messages.
> Thankfully, everything was fine after the phone was rebooted.

it is a known problem that deleting messages with gnokii confuses the
phone and that a reboot fixes it

the numbers may be different because gnokii counts separately each
part of a multipart message, you can try smsd which is able to join
them, smsd deletes the messages after reading but you can copy some
messages to a user folder to do your tests

Daniele Forsi

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